April 5, 2010

Let's talk about the children!

Baby Joy

Joy is one of our new babies that arrived in late 2009. Her name fits her personality perfectly. We have never experienced a child that was so content, happy and peaceful in any circumstance.

Joy always smiles and goes on with her life as though nothing will harm her and no one will leave or dissapoint her.

This is like the "inexpressible joy" that we should have "as a natural by product of our faith in Jesus Christ.


Thanks to the many prayers and medical financial support, Ruthie is again healthy and happy.

She was full of your usual beautiful smile that rarely leaves her face.

We are lucky that she is doing so well!


We are so proud of this young lady. Recently, Caren received the results of her national exams. These are taken by students to determine what high school they can attend. She received the highest score in her school, which qualified her for going to the most prestigious schools in Kenya.

Praise God, she was invited to the best girls school in the whole nation. We are so proud of her and excited to see how God is going to use her in her future! It is a very expensive school to attend, but we are believing that the Lord will provide for this young lady as well as Nelson to proceed with these exceptional schools.


Kijabe Girl's School has invited her to attend their excellent school that is nearby. Some of you will recognize the name if you have been to Kenya.

This is the village where we take our children to Kijabe Hospital and also the place we stayed during the riots of 2007.

We love our children very much and are blessed by their presence!

We'd like to recognize our IAA volunteers

Jenn Joshua

Our new volunteer who arrived this past week and will serve at IAA for the next two months.

Jenn is from Virginia and has a gift of writing, so I hope to have some news from her soon.

Ashley Boughner

This is Ashley's 5th month at IAA. She has been extremely busy teaching and spending her time with the toddlers. She will be missed when she leaves in April.

Bob Ratliff

A retired Baptist Pastor from West Virginia who volunteered his time at IAA for two weeks in February.

Steve and Rene Tyo

A couple from West Virginia that are spending 1 1/2 months volunteering at IAA. Steve has been a blessing in doing very much needed repair work as well as implementing new ideas for safety and energy saving at the site. Rene is a licensed ordained minister and is having a good time putting that to use with our church and spending quality time with the children counseling and teaching.

A special thank you to all of the volunteers who devote their time and love to IAA, we are extremely grateful for all of you!!

Livestock and garden growing and growing!

The garden is doing very well and we are sharing our abundance with another orphanage. Gordon is sending over more seeds to plant a variety of vegetables.

We are very excited to have recently welcomed a new baby lamb! Our chickens have grown and are now laying lots and lots of eggs.

We have approximately 94 chickens, 2 goats, 3 sheep and three cows.

Update on our new land purchase

Letter from the IAA founder:

During my last visit to Kenya the Lord provided an opportunity to purchase a piece of land across the road from IAA. This is not the land we first thought we would be purchasing, but as always the Lord guides our steps and guides us to His plan that turns out to be the better plan.

We are praying that this is where our vision of a medical clinic will some day be a reality. The lady we are dealing with has not completely committed, so please pray for the Lord to direct her heart.

This land would be better in that it is separate from the children and would provide more safety for public use. If you or someone you know in the medical field would like to be involved in this project please let us know.

We believe this is a God given vision and want to see it fulfilled. This will be a huge impact on the community and another opportunity to share the love of Christ to those in need.

Medical mission team traveled to IAA

The picture above is of people in the IAA community waiting to be seen by the doctors and health care workers.

Gordon Clark lead a team to Kenya a few weeks ago. We are praising God for what this team has brought to the community and the other village they served.

Here is Gordon's report:

  • We had 5 doctors,6 team support staff, 8 Kenyan health care workers, IAA staff, and more.

  • We saw over 1500 patients in 4 days- 2 days at the orphanage and 2 days in Koinange town.

  • We distributed over $5000 worth of medicines and tested 700 people for blood sugar levels.

Above: Dr. Dale Meyer diagnosing a child in the community.

Front left to right: Gordon Clark, Paul (our driver), Elena Meyer
Middle: Dr. Esther Lu, Dr. Phil Pryjma
Back row: Dr. Don Lundgren, Dr. Dale Meyer, Dr. Joy Meyer, Dan Haessig, Eric Meyer, Pat Greco

Current needs of the orphanage - an easy way to help

Letter from Jane, IAA founder:

I've been directed to bring clothes and shoes to the children, but with little time to collect donations. Thank you to those that gave some things while I was briefly in Texas, but there are many things I need to still purchase to take.

I have a resale shop that has monthly specials and next week is children's clothes. I get them 1/2 of their ticketed price. So, for little money I can take good quality clothes and shoes to the children.

If you feel lead to give towards this, please send your checks to the address below. Please designate for children's clothes and I'll be sure and get them bought and packed to go in time.

Into Abba's Arms Foundation
PO Box 130846
Spring, TX 77393

Thank you so much for your help, any amount helps! If you'd like to pay another way, please email us at intoabbasarms@gmail.com and we'll let you know about other options.