May 24, 2011

New Happenings at IAA

Many exciting things have been taking place at IAA lately! Our annual King's Feast was celebrated around Easter. 

The King's Feast: The King's Feast is celebrated annually at IAA around Easter. We first and foremost celebrate our risen King and Savior, but we also remember our dear and precious friend King Lane. He was a wonderful friend to IAA, Jane, and the orphans. A lifelong resident of Houston, and a member of Houston's First Baptist, King made several mission trips with us to Kenya. He was very troubled that the children never got meat to eat, so he always bought meat for the children. In honor of him, we invite other orphans to celebrate and feast on an abundance of meat. 

Watch this video to experience the event with us: 

Approximately 180 people attended the celebration this year. Most were children from two other children's homes: 67 children came from Mike Eden's Home, 33 children came from Flying Kites Home, and then we had our own 32 children. For the event, we slaughtered two sheep and two goats, baked 12 cakes, and cooked lots of ugali, greens, stew, carrots, and peas. Each Children's Home presented songs, plays, and marching presentations. At the end, everyone came together to sing and dance praises to God. I was told by many of the attending children that it was the best day they ever had. 

 "Do you hear what these children are saying?" they asked him. "Yes," replied Jesus, "have you never read, 'From the lips of children and infants you, Lord, have called forth your praise'?" Matthew 21:16 

Easter Sunday: Everyone was in their Sunday best. The service was full of energy with lots of dancing and singing praises and testimonies of God's provisions in their lives. Christine gave a wonderful message of Christ's crucifixion and resurrection and taught the children a new song. Jesus is alive, Jesus is alive, Forever He's alive AMEN! The toddlers sang, "Jumping up and down, jumping up and down, jumping up and down. Shout Hosanna!" 

"Don't be alarmed," he said. "You are looking for Jesus the Nazarene, who was crucified. He has risen!" Mark 16:6 

 Watch our Sunday service praise and worship:

Abstinence Program: This was the best program we've had at IAA thus far. A team came to present to our older children (ages ten and up), as well as some children from the community. Approximately 67 children attended the program. They learned deep lessons on how to abstain from sex, the diseases that can result from it, and they also discussed the consequences of bad choices. We will have an abstinence program every year at IAA now.

Egg Business: We have officially gone into the egg business! We have more than enough eggs for IAA, so we have been supplying most of the local shops with eggs to sell. While I was there, we were requested to provide 500 eggs for a youth conference being held at a church down the road. Lydia has now become the "egg lady" for the community. I told her I would make her a t-shirt that has a big egg on it with a quote. Any ideas?   
Sheilah: We are so proud of Sheilah. She has become a true leader in her school and community. She was asked to join a group called, "The Children's Assembly." This group has members all over Kenya and they attend seminars to have discussions and represent the children of Kenya. She was also chosen to be the girls leader at her school. Any problems, comments, or things that a girl would want to report to the leaders at her school are to be brought to her. She is a very Godly and mature young lady for her age.

It was a blessing to have Mandy Willey with me on this trip to IAA. We started ministry together way back in 1997. I want to thank Mandy for her help with the videos and pictures. Regarding her visit, Mandy says, "Being at IAA with all these precious kids was a blessing, wonderful time, great opportunity, joy, --- just take your pick of adjectives, it was FUN! Being a part of the family for a couple of weeks was quite an experience. That would be the one thing I want everyone to understand, this is a family, not an orphange... a family home. When we came home with two new siblings, EVERYONE was so excited. Their attitudes are loving and welcoming. That was evident in the faces of Carina and Michael in less than 24 hours. They had come home and seemed to know it. This is a special place where God is present and very much at work. I want to say thanks to everyone there who made my stay so great. I can't wait to go again. Come join us!"

Terrace Lake Community Church, Indiana Team: 

Shelia: "It was very exciting to finally visit IAA and see the amazing work that God has done and continues to do. We hope to make a return trip next year. Surely there is nothing more satisfying than to see God's servants providing children with love, food, a home and education; children who are growing up in the nurture of God. They hold the promise of the future. We must never fail to care for them."

Trish: "Some months ago I saw a show called Secret Millionaire.  It is a reality series about rich people who are given an opportunity to sow money into the lives of strangers. This first episode I saw was about a lady from San Antonio -ironically since I am also from San Antonio, who gave to 3 different charities. One charity was a food pantry, one a music school for underprivileged students, the last a young girl, who was diagnosed with an illness who was chosen for a bedroom makeover. The secret millionaire gave the bulk of her money to the music school and for the longest time I could not figure out why she didn't chose the food pantry, which had the greater need, and served the most people. I didn't realize why until my stay at Into Abba's Arms in April. I chose Into Abba's Arms last year as the recipient for my 2011 Kenya project: Nguo Za Watoto ( meaning Clothe The Children). I gathered 29 friends and family members who together raised funds and new clothing for the 29 residents at IAA. I saw firsthand the labor of love, sacrifice and family Jane is raising in Kinagop. I saw Jane do what this Secret Millionaire did- and that is to sow into the lives of children, and their futures. Even though I personally delivered the clothes and left empty handed- I walked away with more than I took with me. I saw different tribes of children come together for worship, meals, housework, play- even a conference on Abstinence in which the majority of the lesson was not just stay away from sex, but started with the question: Who does God say you are? and ran the gamut on what God expects from all of us, and even what to do if you feel like you have already failed. I walked away knowing that like those talented musical students who have a bright future ahead because somebody believed in them and sowed into their lives, so do these students all the way on the other side of the world in Kenya because somebody also believes in them and sowed a seed into their lives as well."

Chris Ford: Chris and his wife Becky have been a blessing to IAA for many years.  They spent 9 months at IAA, so they are like a part of the family. Chris revisited IAA and spent some quality time counseling our boys during the Abstinence Program and he spent quality time with Nelson who they sponsor regularly. "I really enjoyed my return to IAA. It was food to my soul to see that the relationships we established with the children were still very strong. In some ways it felt like I never left because they opened up to me so easily. This was especially true with Nelson. In fact, during the time I spent with him he shared painful memories about his life, before he came to IAA. He spoke in detail about events he only spoke briefly of in the past. After our conversation, I was able to pray for him and with tears rolling down his face, I witnessed the Father bring restoration to his wounded heart (Isaiah 61:1). I believe, in all humility, that this was major victory in Nelson’s heart and that he will never be the same as a result of it.  I feel honored to be a part of his life and in the lives of the other children at IAA."

April Lingle: April is our long term volunteer from the Mission's Society, and she is such a blessing. She has really established deep relationships with the children. They love having her there too!

May 20, 2011

Our Growing Family

     I can't express the amount of love the children at IAA have for each other. The first two weeks I was there, I was constantly asked, "When can we get another child?" or, "When will you go get another sister or brother?" This was asked by not just one, but many of the children ages 10 and older. The children love when more siblings are added to their family, and when we do bring another child home, everyone is excited. Everyone wants to hold them, play with them and help them feel welcomed. I imagine it is like this in Heaven as each new sister or brother is brought HOME, into Abba's arms. 
Meet our two new family members:

Carina: Before coming home to IAA, Carina lived in the Nairobi Children's home her entire life. Her Mother gave birth to her while in jail, and when she was later released, she disappeared and never came back. Carina is now three years old and has the cutest personality. When you ask her what her name is, she says, "Carina Esther." I've nicknamed her "Katrina." The first time we met, she never stopped talking. One day, I heard her talking away to our neighbor, Papa Njau, who had stopped by to greet us. I asked Christine what Carina was saying, and Christine said she was asking him if he had a big house too. I thought it was so cute she was so proud of her new big house. 

Numbi Michael: Like Carina, Michael was happy to be leaving the Nairobi Children's Home where he's lived all his life. All we know so far is that he was abandoned as a baby and taken to the emergency facility. He is four years old and is very shy and withdrawn. When we first met, he didn't say much, but he looked around curiously as we drove through Nairobi. I assume this was his first time out of the home. When we got him home to IAA to clean him up, Posy noticed he had scabies, an infected boil on his back, and many scars and bruises on his little body. I can't imagine what he's been through. Posy doctored him up and he looked so happy receiving attention. After two days, we noticed he started to feel at home as he began to play and talk to the other children. Christine now reports that he has adjusted well and is very happy.

Here is a video of Carina and Michael coming home to IAA, where they were welcomed with good showers, new clothes, and lots of love and attention from everyone in their new family:

     On Easter Sunday, we introduced Carina and Michael to the church and Christine announced, "If you see these children wandering in the community, please bring them back." I thought that was so funny. We then announced we would pray for both Carina and Michael, and the two children immediately bowed their heads and closed their eyes... it was so cute!

"And he took the children in his arms, placed his hands on them and blessed them." Mark 10:16

Carina and Michael are precious gifts from God. Will you consider sponsoring one of them for $40.00 per month? If interested, please email Jane at:

Meet our two new staff members:

Samuel: We've known Samuel since we opened the home because he lives across the road from us with his family. We are so blessed he accepted our job offer. He will be doing carpentry work, handy work around the site, working in the garden and with the livestock, and other various jobs.

Miriam: Miriam is a very sweet and quiet lady. She will be on our fill in staff, so whenever anyone takes their month leave, she will do their job. We are very blessed to have her.

From our family to yours, God bless!